

Each module is four (4) hours
1 – Customer Service 1
2 – Customer Service 2
3 – Customer Communication Skills
4 – Telephone Techniques
5 – Customer Psychology
6 – Serving Internal and External Customers
7 – Dealing With Difficult Customers and Situations
8 – Adding Value To The Customer
9 – Overcoming Barriers To Service

Module 1

Customer Service 1

  • The benefits of great service – For you and the customer!
  • Who are your customers?
  • Understanding and clarifying your customer’s needs
  • Meeting your customer’s needs
  • The importance of initiative and being pro-active
  • Projecting the appropriate image to your customers
  • Developing trust and rapport
  • Building confidence and integrity
  • The importance of follow-up

Module 2

Customer Service 2

  • Delivering professional customer service
  • Giving individualised service
  • Enhancing your service style – lifting the bar!
  • Appropriate problem management
  • Focusing on the need rather than the problem
  • Identifying other opportunities
  • Developing and maintaining a positive attitude
  • Business Acumen
    • Awareness of the bigger picture
    • The role we play
    • Cause & Effect
  • Customer service in a changing environment

Module 3

Customer Communication Skills

  • What is effective communication?
  • The key elements of effective communication
    • Active listening
    • Using appropriate language
    • Giving clear information and explanations
  • Overcoming the barriers to communication
    • Physical barriers
    • Psychological barriers
    • Semantic barriers
  • Communication via email – when to use and how
  • Understanding and interpreting body language

Module 4

Telephone Techniques

  • Telephone communication skills
  • Managing inbound and outbound calls
  • Opening the call
  • Your speaking voice – the importance of confidence
  • Using the right words, tone, intonation and speed
  • Managing the body of the call
  • Closing the call
  • Controlling the call
  • Guidelines for screening calls
  • Putting the caller on hold
  • Transferring a call
  • Taking messages
  • Call time management

Module 5

Customer Psychology

  • Treating customers as individuals – Who are you dealing with?
  • Reading your customer’s expectations
  • Adjusting your style to become more effective
  • Appropriate assertiveness
  • Dealing with misinterpretation
  • Coping with over-sensitivity
  • Using behaviours to build rapport
  • Behavioural changes under stress
  • Adapting your communication to become more ‘customer friendly’

Module 6

Serving Internal and
External Customers

  • Identifying internal vs. external customer needs
  • How do your internal customers evaluate service?
  • Guidelines for providing exceptional internal customer service
  • Increasing communication between different roles and departments
  • Educating your internal customers – clarifying their expectations
  • Meeting deadlines and keeping internal customers informed
  • Creating a positive environment
  • Taking a team approach

Module 7

Dealing With Difficult
Customers and Situations

  • What is a difficult customer and why?
  • Identifying customer problems
  • Never tell customers your problems
  • Turning complaints into opportunities
  • Dealing with a anger and emotion
  • Identify and how to deal with abusive customers and other challenges
  • The importance of politeness
  • Managing stress and pressure – Emotion vs. Logic
  • Conflict Resolution – Getting to a ‘win-win’
  • Real life scenarios

Module 8

Adding Value To The Customer

  • Taking responsibility – owning your customers and sales
  • Building integrity in our actions – keeping your customers up to date
  • Identifying opportunities for adding value in the eyes of the customer
  • How to make recommendations without appearing ‘pushy’
  • Keeping the customer happy
  • Ensuring customer continuity
  • Identifying common goals
  • Developing customer loyalty
  • How to keep the customer coming back for more!

Module 9

Overcoming Barriers To Service

  • Identifying challenges of our unique environment
  • Recognising sources of stress and conflict
  • Defining specific problems / issues to solve
  • Analysing potential causes
  • Generating and selecting the best solutions
  • Implementing the solution – who is responsible?
  • Evaluating the successful impact on customers
  • Increasing motivation and empowerment among the customer service team