Leadership &


Each module is four (4) hours

Leading &

(Modules 1-10)

Module 1

Leadership And Effective
Business Relationships

  • The importance of people and relationships in business success
  • Using DiSC to interpret human behaviour
  • Recognising your natural behavioural style
  • Working with your strengths and weaknesses
  • Understanding the behavioural styles of others
  • Adjusting your style in order to become more effective
  • Understanding behavioural changes under stress
  • Recognising conflicts of style

Module 2

The Differences Between
Leadership And Management

  • What is leadership and what is management?
  • When to lead and when to manage
  • The characteristics of exceptional leaders
  • Reviewing your management behaviours
  • The 13 Fatal Errors that managers make

Module 3

Principles And Strategies
Of Leadership

  • Emotional vs cognitive leadership
  • Articulating values and beliefs
  • Achieving consistency between values and behaviour
  • Inspiring a shared vision
  • Selling the benefits of common goals and shared vision
  • Enabling others and encouraging collaboration
  • Taking initiative – opportunities for change and improvement
  • Building credibility
  • Sustaining high morale

Module 4

Situational Leadership

  • Varying approaches to leadership
  • Leadership traits vs. style
  • Blake & Mouton Managerial Grid
  • Situational Leadership
  • Developmental levels
  • Four leadership styles
  • Directing, Coaching, Supporting and Delegating
  • Leadership – an integrated model
  • Analysing your team

Module 5


  • Delegation as a development tool
  • How to delegate and avoid dumping
  • What to delegate – letting go
  • When to delegate – creating the time to do it
  • The 12 Step Delegation Process
  • Selecting the appropriate person to delegate to
  • Understanding where the responsibility and authority lies
  • Getting ownership and buy in
  • Following up and creating accountability
  • Selling the benefit to both parties
  • Making delegation attractive to the delegate

Module 6

Managing Individuals
Through Change

  • Personal attitudes to change
  • Answering frequently asked questions and objections to change
  • Understanding individual responses to change
  • Recognising innate change capacity and change fatigue
  • Building proactive rather than reactive responses to change
  • Dealing with resistance to change
  • Overcoming denial and negativity
  • Reducing obstacles and resolving issues
  • Identifying each individuals barrier point to change
  • Coaching and supporting others through change

Module 7

Strategic Change

  • Key drivers of success in achieving change
  • The Murphy Curve – the importance of planning change
  • Applying the “10 Step Change Management” process
  • Clearly defining the nature of a change
  • Creating urgency – establishing clear, compelling reasons to change
  • Tolerating ambiguity and managing the team through uncertainty
  • Determining objectives, tasks and time frames
  • Securing resources for the change
  • Encouraging contribution
  • Ensuring two-way communication at all stages
  • Embedding and institutionalising the change
  • Ending a change and celebrating success

Module 8

Strategic Planning And
Decision Making

  • The benefits and pitfalls of strategic planning
  • What is your purpose and objectives?
  • Situational analysis – where are we now?
  • What are the key strategic issues?
  • Barriers to success – the McKinsey 6 S model
  • Identifying key stakeholders
  • What is the preferred scenario?
  • Strategy formulation – how could this be achieved?
  • Mission, vision and values
  • Developing measured objectives and targets
  • Strategy implementation
  • Writing action plans
  • Tracking and performance measures

Module 9

Innovation, Creativity
And Lateral Thinking

  • The limitations of argument and adversarial thinking
  • Values and uses for the 6 Thinking Hats
  • De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats – Black, Yellow, White, Red, Green, Blue
  • Applying the power of parallel thinking
  • Using the Green Hat to make time for creativity
  • Controlling negativity and focussing thinking
  • Increasing productivity and efficiency in meetings
  • Systematic vs. occasional use of the hats
  • Lateral thinking tools – how to increase innovation
  • Harvesting ideas

Module 10

Decision Making and
Problem Solving

  • The decision making process
  • Effective decisions = quality thinking x acceptance
  • Low involvement vs. high involvement decision making
  • Step by step problem solving
  • Defining the problem and the pain
  • Describing the desired state or goal
  • Analysing potential causes and indentifying the true root cause
  • Identifying possible solutions
  • Brainstorming tools and avoiding limited thinking
  • Selecting the best solution – weighted criteria
  • Developing an action plan – gaining buy-in
  • Implementing the solution and evaluating progress

Leadership Communication
And Behaviors

(Modules 11-17)

Module 11

Communication Skills

  • Defining and interpreting expectations
  • Modes of communication and technology – when to use
  • Impression formation – projecting confidence and credibility
  • Active listening techniques – demonstrating interest in others
  • Strategic questioning techniques – seeking information from staff
  • Demonstrating an understanding of your staff and colleagues
  • Giving clear information and explanations
  • Speaking clearly and fluently
  • Overcoming barriers to communication
  • The power of conversations
  • Using appropriate language
  • Reading body language and non-verbal communication
  • Communicating in a high tech environment

Module 12

Influencing Skills

  • The difference between influence, persuasion, power & manipulation
  • The behaviours and characteristics of effective influencers
  • Recognising sources of power – personal and positional
  • The law of reciprocation – what you give comes back to you
  • The impact of scarcity – people will seize opportunities that are rare
  • When to use authority – building knowledge and credibility
  • Creating commitment – aligning your requests with their priorities
  • Getting people to know you, like you and trust you
  • How to use consensus – capitalising on group influence
  • Planning your influence strategy
  • Targeting your communication to the recipient
  • Delivering persuasive and compelling messages

Module 13

Building Assertiveness

  • Defining your influence at work?
  • The Interpersonal Influence Inventory (III) – self assessment
  • Understanding your influence style
  • Directness of communication
  • Consideration for others
  • The Interpersonal Influence model
  • Openly Aggressiveness, Concealed Aggressiveness, Passiveness and Assertiveness
  • Characteristics of assertive communicators
  • Building assertiveness: the ASERT process
    • Analysing the Situation – dealing with emotions and perceptions
    • Stating Your Position – script writing for future situations
    • Evaluating Nonverbal Behaviours – yours and theirs
    • Receiving Feedback – identifying your ‘triggers’
    • Testing For Understanding

Module 14

Presentation Skills

(Full Day, Maximum of 6 Participants)
  • The first impression – get it right!
  • The importance of planning
          • Who is your audience?
          • What do they know?
          • What do they expect?
          • What are you trying to achieve?
          • How long do you have?
          • How many will there be?
  • How much content?
  • Understanding presentation styles, mine and my audiences!
  • Using PowerPoint and other resources
  • Body language, eye contact, personal presentation and image
  • Getting your audience to listen
  • Selling your message – the use of reinforces
  • How to open/how to close
  • Overcoming fear and nerves
  • The 10 major mistakes presenters make

Module 15

Business Writing

  • Preparing and planning your documents
  • Using appropriate language
  • Choosing the appropriate style and tone
  • Structure and layout
  • Achieving clarity and brevity:
    • Avoiding ambiguous grammar, punctuation and word choice.
    • Writing shorter sentences.
  • Memos, letters, reports and emails – what are the differences?
  • Pitfalls to avoid
  • A checklist for editing your work
  • Guidelines for clear presentation of the report, proposal, or letter

Module 16

Effective Networking

  • What is networking? – dispelling the myths
  • Understanding the benefits
  • Changing your way of thinking
  • When and where to network?
  • Preparing and planning to get the best from your networking
  • Overcoming your fears and reluctance
  • Who to approach and what to say
  • Explaining what you do in a clear and interesting way
  • How to make important and exciting small talk
  • Discovering people’s needs and wants
  • How to deal with rude people

Module 17

Negotiation Skills

  • What goes wrong and why?
  • The ten traits of successful negotiators
  • Assessing strengths and weaknesses of sellers and buyers
  • How to set winning goals
  • Defining critical points
  • Assessing what others really want without losing ground
  • The importance of the win/win
  • How to come up with creative solutions to problems
  • How to satisfy different stakeholders
  • Distinguishing real issues from entrenched positions
  • The rules regarding concessions
  • The 5 stages of a negotiation
  • Tactics – which to use, which to avoid
  • Overcoming intimidation and emotional obstacles
  • When and how to take ‘time out’ to mutual advantage

Performance Management And
Staff Development

(Modules 18-25)

Module 18

Interviewing And Attracting
High Performers

  • The challenges of recruitment in the current market
  • Different types of interviews
  • The 5-point interview plan to fill ANY position faster
  • Preparing and planning for the interview
  • Using Behavioural Interviewing questions
  • Strategies to establishing rapport
  • Describing your culture to ensure a fit for your organisation
  • Selling your organisation to the candidate
  • Nonverbal messages: finding out what they aren’t telling you
  • Understanding laws relating to recruitment & selection
  • Evaluating and selecting the final candidate

Module 19

Communicating Performance

  • Why don’t people do what they are supposed to?
  • Differentiating the causes of nonperformance from the symptoms
  • When to have a performance conversation
  • The power of one-on-ones
  • Writing S.M.A.R.T. performance objectives
  • Communicating with high and low performers
  • What the performance meeting should cover
  • Preparing for the meeting
  • Running the meeting
  • Focusing on performance not personality
  • Role Play

Module 20

Managing Ongoing Performance

  • Where does responsibility for performance lie?
  • What are we managing?
  • Signs that a performance problem is developing
  • What to do if you think you may have a performance problem
  • When should you correct declining performance?
  • Giving feedback – your strengths and weaknesses
  • Overcoming resistance to feedback
  • Guidelines for giving behavioural feedback
  • Creating a feedback culture
  • Causes of poor performance
  • Setting the performance objectives
  • Following up reinforcing the behaviour and skills

Module 21

Effective Performance
– How to Give and Receive Feedback

  • When and when not to give feedback
  • What happens if feedback is not given
  • Giving feedback – your strengths and weaknesses
  • Problems providing feedback
  • Understanding Frames of Reference
  • Overcoming resistance to feedback
  • Guidelines for giving behavioural feedback
  • Perceiving feedback as a gift!
  • The Power of Questions
  • The responsibilities of the receiver
  • Creating a feedback culture
  • Starting the conversation – What to actually say
  • Role Play

Module 22

Running Effective Performance Appraisals

  • Why conduct performance appraisals?
  • Selling the vision and dealing with expectations
  • What goes wrong – common appraisal errors
  • Planning effective feedback
  • Identifying positive performance – put the ‘praise’ back in ‘appraise’
  • Differentiating the causes of non-performance from the symptoms
  • Preparing for the meeting – the interview framework
  • Keeping the appraisal focussed and on track
  • Setting goal areas and agreeing upon the required performance
  • Writing key performance indicators
  • Building action plans and milestones
  • Evaluating the results achieved
  • Providing the necessary follow-up action to support performance appraisal meetings

Module 23

Motivating Yourself
And Your Team

  • The benefits of motivated staff
  • External vs. internal motivators
  • What people want
  • 10 ways to reward
  • Maslow and the implications of motivational theory
  • The misconceptions regarding money!
  • The importance of being valued
  • Dealing with demotivated employees
  • Personal motivation – where are you going?
  • Where are you now?
  • Your limiting beliefs
  • Setting clear, well defined goals

Module 24

Coaching As A Business &
Management Tool

  • Coaching as a tool for accelerated development
  • Coaching – its core elements
  • Coaching skills and competencies
  • Building technical skills and psychological readiness
  • The Behavioural Coaching Cycle
  • Informal coaching – when and where to coach
  • 10 Step Formal / Contractual coaching
  • Identifying who would benefit from coaching
  • Addressing distorted thinking and self limiting beliefs
  • Dealing with emotions and resistance
  • The coaching toolkit

Module 25

Financial Understanding for
Non Accountants

  • Introduction to financial statements: content, terminology and relationships
  • The balance sheet, profit and loss, and cash flow statements
  • Overview of accounting “rules”
  • Accounts receivable – valuation and recognition of bad debts
  • Inventory – cost accounting and implications for profitability
  • Market valuation and accounting for depreciation
  • Borrowings – interest and principle loan obligations
  • Profit and loss statements – revenue and expense recognition
  • EBIT, EBITDA – calculation methods
  • Cash flow classification – operating, investing and financing
  • Ratio analysis – liquidity, management efficiency, financing, profitability
  • Case studies calculations and discussion

Organising and Managing Yourself And Others

(Modules 26-28)

Module 26

Time And
Task Management

  • Organising yourself – evaluating your personal work habits
  • Planning ahead – day, week, month
  • Must, should and want to do lists
  • Using planning and scheduling tools
  • Capitalising on your energy levels and prime times
  • Dealing with deadlines
  • Prioritising – distinguishing urgency from importance
  • Negotiating interruptions and managing others
  • How to say ‘no’ without damaging the relationship
  • Managing paperwork and emails
  • The importance of flexibility
  • Strategies for overcoming procrastination

Module 27

Running Effective Meetings

  • Three essential meeting stages
  • Meeting preparation
  • Tips for scheduling meetings
  • Team meeting roles (leader, facilitator, recorder, participants)
  • Meeting responsibilities
  • Key steps to developing an agenda
  • SMART objectives
  • Setting the ground rules
  • Meeting minutes
  • Closing a meeting – creating action items
  • Evaluating your meetings

Module 28

Work/Life Balance &
Stress Management

  • Work related Stress – a world wide epidemic
  • Deferred Happiness Syndrome – how does it affect you?
  • Signs and symptoms of on going stress
  • Optimism and its impact on resilience
  • Don’t wait for a crisis before doing something differently
  • Are you coping as well as you think
  • Indentifying your values
  • Changing your thinking and attitudes
  • What are you prepared to give up?
  • Financial savvy – how much is enough?
  • The seven steps to sanity
  • Change your behaviour, change your habits, change your life
  • Using your support network

Managing Teams And Team Dynamics

(Modules 29-30)

Module 29

Building Successful Teams

  • Components of a team
  • Why teams do and do not work
  • Making your team work
  • What skills are necessary for a successful team
  • Building a successful team – the teaming process
  • Different roles with the team
  • Increasing cooperation and support
  • How to get the best out of difficult team members

Module 30

Conflict Resolution

  • The psychology of difficult people
  • The consequences of avoidance and poor conflict management
  • What is conflict and confrontation?
  • Managing disagreements and conflict
  • Emotion vs. logic – why people don’t listen
  • Diffusing anger and emotion
  • Handling with misinterpretation
  • Negotiating the solution process
  • Separating the person from the problem
  • Getting to Win/Win
  • Not taking conflict personally
  • Letting it go – not carrying the conflict and stress with you