
of What We Do

The New

People get promoted because they get results. And then what?
The New Supervisor gives the new team leader the skills and strategies to excel in their new role. The program consists of a number of modules which cover the principles of managing and leadership, including skills in: delegation, motivation, conflict resolution, communication, performance management, team building, change management and others.


Arguably the skill that determines our long term success and happiness in both our professional and personal life is our ability to communicate with others. Although all of us communicate, many of us could be so much more effective. Communication Skills can assist in almost all aspects of your work by, learning how to manage first impressions, understanding and interpreting body language, learning the skills of active listening and questioning, developing empathy and rapport, reading the situation, and adjusting your behavioural style in order to be more effective.

Selling Skills
& Account Management

The sales climate is as turbulent today as ever. It is sometimes difficult to stay enthusiastic and maintain the burning passion and resilience salespeople need to be successful. Many days are filled with rejections, stalls, demands and empty promises. Selling Skills can make a big difference to your sales team by providing them with the skills to not only understand the sales process and customers’ needs but also their own values and beliefs – the attitudinal side. The program will help them to, plan, question effectively, present, negotiate, handle customer resistance, close, and build relationships.

Managing Our Time,
Tasks, Email and Interruptions

Time is the one great constant, but why is it some people seem to have so much more of it than others and achieve so much more in their day?
This course helps people to get more done at work and at home, not by working more hours, but getting more out of the hours that are worked. It covers many helpful areas such as goal setting and planning, effective to-do lists, prioritising, dealing with interruptions, overcoming procrastination, running effective meetings, saving time on the phone and winning the email and paper war.


In a recent survey in the US, public speaking was ranked as the number 1 fear – death was number 2! Many people, because of the nature of their work, are required to do presentations in front of others. Presentation Skills can help by understanding the effects of different presentation styles, knowing your audience, planning, verbal and non-verbal communication, selling your message, using resources effectively, opening / closing techniques, tips for overcoming fear and nerves, and handling questions.


Research indicates that dissatisfied customers will tell on average 37 other people of their displeasure with your company’s service. The value of Customer Service cannot be underestimated, and comes with identifying your customer, understanding and clarifying your customer’s needs, using NLP techniques to improve communication, enhancing your service style, handling difficult customers, and turning complaints into opportunities.