WHY we do

what we do

Effective managers have performing and profitable staff. To be effective your managers need a set of managerial skills including communication, influencing and assertiveness skills, performance management, delegation, coaching, team development and conflict resolution.

Often good people in great organisations are promoted into roles that they’re not equipped to succeed in and great people managed by these individuals leave because of the ineffectiveness of their boss.

The Training Guys develop your managers so that their teams can be more cohesive, engaged and productive.  Everyone benefits – you, your managers, their colleagues and staff, your customers and your business.


We deliver half day or full day modules tailored to your needs either on or off-site at a time that suits you.
Some of our most popular modules include:


We ensure your people are learning through engaging activities, interacting with their colleagues and being led by an enthusiastic expert facilitator. The materials presented are specific to your organisation and relevant to the training needs of your staff. The workshops feature high quality workbooks and support materials. Active learning techniques such as small group activities, pair work, role-plays, demonstrations, games and memorable presentations are used. It is essential that organisational specific examples are used for all the role-plays and scenarios so we gather these prior to the session.

We believe in creating a lasting experience in our training workshops. We support this aim by producing take-away material and ‘cheat sheets’ that act as mental joggers to ensure the techniques discussed are used on a daily basis. Individuals will commit to action plans at the completion of each session to ensure that the techniques and skills discussed are not only understood, but actively incorporated within their daily work.


There are no financial surprises and we offer a risk free guarantee.
We charge a flat rate regardless of how many staff attend with the rate including all meetings, preparation and materials.